tooth replacement

Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry of New York

Why Choose Cosmetic Dentistry?

Along with knowing the cost of cosmetic dentistry in New York, it is also important to know the reasons that make cosmetic dentistry the best solution for teeth issues. Here are some of the reasons:

Effective Results – There are dental issues that can have complications attached to them and needs specialized treatment that is effective and also visibly aesthetic. Broken teeth, chipped teeth and cracked teeth can be effectively corrected and the results will be surprised as natural as the original one.

Quick Results – According to some of the dental studies made after cosmetic dentistry treatments, the recovery period required is very minimal and the speedy results seen from these treatments have recently increased its success rate up to 90%.

Pain Management – Many opt for over-the-counter medications to be relieved from the pain of a decayed tooth or cracked tooth when it is much easier to be relieved from pain with cosmetic dentistry treatments. Some of the treatments like teeth whitening, veneers and implants require no downtime.

Restores Chewing Ability – Cosmetic dentistry helps in overcoming the chewing issues that come due to missed teeth or misaligned teeth. Opting for cosmetic treatment helps in enjoying your favourite food that can be hard and crunchy too.

Good Oral Health – The materials used in cosmetic dentistry are medically approved and are strong enough to sustain stains and decay. Dental materials like veneers are also a part of cosmetic dentistry that helps to protect the teeth beneath from bacterial infections.

Cost of Different Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures in New York

Cosmetic Bonding – It is one of the affordable options for correcting discolored or chipped or cracked teeth. This budget-friendly treatment also treats teeth gaps and also teeth lengths that are uneven.

The average cost of cosmetic bonding in NYC can be $200-$600 per tooth.

Dental Veneers – The average price of dental veneers can be #2000-$4000. The cost is worth it all since porcelain veneers are considered to be the gold standard among all other types of veneers. Designed and fabricated by a dentist and the dental technician, several layers of porcelain are created to customize the veneer to look as natural as the real tooth because each person will have different facial features.

Invisalign – Invisalign is on the contrasting side of traditional braces and allows achieving the required smile and confidence by correcting misaligned teeth. Another advantage of Invisalign is, your teeth are less prone to infections and decay since the straightened teeth are less prone to decay issues. The average cost of Invisalign in NYC is $4000-$8000.

Teeth Whitening – The demand for a brighter smile makes teeth whitening a very popular cosmetic dentistry treatment. In comparison to the whitening products available over the over-the-counter, an in-office professional teeth whitening treatment is much more effective and the results are seen right from the beginning of the treatment. The average cost of the teeth whitening in New York is $200-$800.

Dental Crowns – A badly formed or badly damaged tooth can be restored with dental crowns that are made of tooth-colored materials that are of standardized quality and blend perfectly with the rest of the teeth making the smile brighter and more natural. The average cost of dental crowns in NYC is $1000-$3000.

Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry

A welcoming smile is appealing and also reduces stress. Cosmetic dentistry is a boon that helps many to get that confident smile when they are hesitating to smile due to teeth issues.

Many think that cosmetic dentistry works only on aesthetics but the fact is, they help improve the teeth structure that helps in improving the chewing ability of the teeth which affects the health and overall well-being too.

Here are some of the myths and the realities of cosmetic dentistry:

Myth 1: Cosmetic dentistry only fixes external dental issues.

Truth: Cosmetic dentists do external aesthetic dental treatments such as veneers, crowns, whitening etc but they also fix teeth issues that are important since the aesthetic treatments will not work on damaged, broken or cracked teeth. Sometimes internal gum infections affect the teeth badly and cosmetic dentists have to treat the gum and teeth issues before focusing on improving the aesthetic dental issues. Failing to resolve the internal issues can lead to gum diseases, loss of teeth and severe pain.

Myth 2: Cosmetic dentistry is an expensive and inaccessible treatment.

Truth: Cosmetic dentistry has affordable treatments and the materials used for the treatment are durable and of high standards that keep the tooth system safe and beautiful. Few expensive cosmetic dental treatments are expensive due to the extensive procedures, technology and experience involved in the treatment but there are financial plans and insurance plans that would cover some of the costs involved in the treatment.

Myth 3: Cosmetic dentistry involves painful treatments.

Truth: Treatments such as whitening and veneers are completely painless and may cause discomfort only for people with sensitive teeth. There are extensive dental treatments in cosmetic dentistry that may cause pain and discomfort post-procedure but the dentists have sedation, nitrous oxide gas and pain-relieving options that are given along with clear instructions on post-op care. Upon following them the healing process quickens and gives the best results.

Myth 4: Cosmetic dentistry causes weakness in teeth.

Truth: On contrary to the above statement, cosmetic dentistry techniques strengthen the teeth and restore the biting ability of the teeth. If the teeth are not treated on time then it weakens the roots and gums of the teeth making them weak and infected.

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