Crown Lengthening

Do you have a gummy smile that makes your teeth look shorter, and does it make you hesitant to smile wholeheartedly? Dr. Kim provides the solution for the gummy smile with crown lengthening treatment that works as both a cosmetic dental treatment and a solution to the dental issue that needs to be resolved for a confident, healthy smile.
What Is Crown Lengthening?
Crown Lengthening is a periodontal surgical procedure that focuses on removing excess gumline covering the teeth, making them look smaller than their actual length. The procedure also reduces the tooth’s bone tissue to make it lengthier than the gums. This procedure is necessary when placing dental crowns or dental bridges.
Reasons For Choosing Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening can be chosen for the following reasons:

If the tooth structure is not strong

If there is a broken tooth near the gum line

The extended gumline covers the length of the tooth

If the previous crown is missing, that can lead to tooth decay

What Are The Benefits Of Crown Lengthening?

Convenient and Quick – The procedure takes 30-60 minutes, making it simple and quick. The crown lengthening is a convenient option since it is completed with just one appointment and a pain-free session done with local anesthesia.

Advanced Laser Technology: The scalpel usage becomes an old-school method to cut the excess gum tissue, and the Highline Dental Practice uses the latest laser device that cuts the gum tissue precisely. The usage of laser technology has many benefits, such as minimal bleeding, there will be no need for stitches to recover faster, it causes much less discomfort, and the incisions turn out to be precise, keeping the gumline perfectly aligned.

Eliminating Infected Tissue: Periodontal diseases lead to loss of teeth and other health issues since the neural and bloodstream are also connected to the tooth structure. Removing the damaged tissue will be the best solution since it stops it from spreading further. The crown lengthening procedure removes the infected tissues.

Confident Smile: With a gummy smile, it is natural to lose confidence to smile. The crown lengthening process allows you to show more of your surface teeth with a brighter and more confident smile.

The procedure of Crown Lengthening

The patient intending to have crown lengthening can approach Highline Dental Practices, and Dr. Kim will thoroughly check the procedure’s suitability for the patient’s teeth structure. Some of the suggestions by Dr. Kim that helps in maintaining good oral hygiene are:

The crown lengthening procedure is performed in 3 different methods depending on the assessment of teeth, gum structure, and the teeth’ surroundings.

The factors that are considered in choosing the type of surgery are:

Some of the common techniques of crown lengthening are:

Surgical Expulsion

When the tooth is wounded with a fracture beneath the gum, the surgical expulsion method is used to move the tooth to the desired gumline location, and there may also be the use of wire to keep the tooth anchored to the teeth surrounding the injured tooth.

Flap Tissue Surgery

In this technique, an incision is made in the teeth’ gums, creating a flap of tissue. On understanding the required tooth length, extra tissues and a part of the bone are also removed. The flap is stitched to the root of the tooth with sutures and is covered with a bandage until the healing process is done.


In this process, the gum tissue is removed by the traditional scalpel method or by laser technology. This procedure involves the usage of anesthesia, and the healing process takes 6-7 weeks, and the pain reduces in just a few days post-procedure.

Post-Operative Care of Crown Lengthening

Completing the crown lengthening process requires at least 2-3 months to recover and normalize the gums’ function. For the initial few days post-procedure, avoiding strenuous activities such as lifting heavy objects, gym activities, and any physically demanding job is better. If any such activities are done, it leads to bleeding and delays healing.

Some of the general guidelines that you can follow during the recovery process are:

Dr. Kim’s legacy is providing the best dental care in New York City. We at Highline Dental Practices address different dental issues compassionately. Contact us for further assistance.


1. Is crown lengthening painful?

A local anesthetic will be used almost always throughout crown lengthening procedures, and many patients also choose dental sedation to lessen their discomfort. As a result, the surgery itself will be almost painless.

2. how long after crown lengthening can I get a crown?

After crown lengthening, the restorative dentist should wait 6 to 8 weeks before taking final impressions if a crown is to be put in a cosmetic region. This guarantees that the gum is in its final place when it heals and slightly contracts as it attaches to the tooth.

3. What to eat after crown lengthening?

You could consider consuming eggs, custard, yogurt, spaghetti, steamed veggies, casseroles, and prepared cereals in the days immediately after surgery. Avoid meals and beverages that are very hot, cold, acidic, spicy, or sour.

4. Is crown lengthening necessary?

There are several dental problems for which crown lengthening is advised. Too-short teeth, severe below-the-gum tooth rot, and damaged or fractured teeth are the most frequent disorders that call for crown lengthening.

5. Can I drink coffee after crown lengthening?

It is crucial that you refrain from consuming any hot beverages for up to two or three days following the surgery, including coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. An issue for the surgical site and its ability to heal might result from increased bleeding brought on by the heat of the coffee.

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