
Tooth extraction or pulling a tooth is a dental procedure where your teeth are completely removed from their socket. Our team of expert dentists at Highline Dental Practice prefers to save your natural teeth as much as possible.

But when other restorative procedures like dental fillings or crowns are not an option, tooth extraction is performed, and our dentists will carefully remove the tooth from the socket.

When Do Dentists Recommend A Tooth Extraction?

We recommend tooth extractions in these circumstances: 

What is the procedure for a tooth extraction?

The tooth extraction procedure starts with our dentists taking an X-ray to check the bone levels and determine the extent of the damage. You need to tell us if you are on any medications, vitamins, or supplements or have allergies.

Once we gather all the information, we will discuss all the treatment and sedation options in detail with you.

Sedation is an excellent option for people suffering from dental anxiety, and it is for those who want to be comfortable during the treatment. At Highline Dental Practice, we provide various types of sedation:

How long will it take to recover from a tooth extraction?

There is no single answer to this. It depends on how complex your case is. Most patients return to normal within a few days. While you can resume your routine in 48 to 72 hours, the jawbone takes several weeks to heal completely.

What to expect at Highline Dental Practice?

Dr. Kim will discuss the option of a tooth extraction with you, and our dental experts will ensure that the tooth extraction procedure proceeds smoothly without inflicting a lot of pain.

Schedule an appointment

Dr. Kim will also go into the details of the treatment plan of the tooth extraction for your case, and this will be done by our team of expert dentists whose goal will be to make this extraction as painless as possible and prevent further infections of your jawbone.

Please feel free to reach out to our dedicated team at Highline Dental Practice to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you to gain excellent oral health.


1. What to eat after tooth extraction?

You should limit your diet to soft meals and drinks for at least 24 hours following your tooth extraction. When you are ready, you can gradually return to a more typical diet. Attempt to limit your diet to simple items for a few days.

2. How long does the pain last after tooth extraction?

To access the teeth, the dentist will cut through the gums. While the extraction is not difficult, you could feel soreness and pain following the treatment. It is vital to adhere to all of your dentist’s post-extraction care instructions. These symptoms should go away in 2 to 5 days.

3. Can I brush my teeth after tooth extraction?

Avoid brushing or rinsing your mouth for the first 24 hours following tooth extraction. After that, brush carefully and avoid brushing too close the extraction site. Also, avoid gargling with water, mouthwash, or any other dental care liquid.

4. Does tooth extraction hurt?

You will feel some level of discomfort as a patient undergoing an extraction both during and after therapy. You will get local anesthetic from the oral surgeon before the procedure to aid with pain management. If necessary, it is also administered during the healing process.

5. How long does a tooth extraction take to heal?

It depends on how complicated your situation is. The majority of people, however, return to normal in a few days. During 48 to 72 hours, you can resume your normal activities, although it often takes several weeks for the jawbone to fully recover.

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