Periodontal Procedures

Periodontal procedures are a host of treatments to treat the inflammation of the gum and surrounding tissues, including bone, gum, and ligaments. Periodontitis occurs when the supporting tissue is affected, and gum and bone are lost.

At Highline Dental Clinic, our expert periodontists carry out many periodontal procedures that treat gum recession, gummy smile, and periodontitis, prevent tooth loss and save your gums and tissues from further infections.

How Are Periodontal Procedures Performed?

Periodontal diseases are bacteria causing inflammation and damage to the periodontium or the teeth connecting tissues, including bone, gum, and ligaments. The procedure may look like this:

After the procedure
Depending on the severity of the infection, periodontal surgery may be performed. You may experience certain discomforts, such as:
Our periodontists will make this procedure as safe as possible by prescribing you antibiotics and pain medication. It is recommended to eat soft foods while the procedure site heals.

Schedule a consultation

Our periodontists will explain a treatment most suited to your oral condition. They will carry out the treatment to save your natural teeth and gums from further damage as much as possible.

Additional services at Highline Dental Practice include regeneration therapy, bone graft surgery, sinus lift/elevation, soft tissue grafts, dental implants, and many more.

Feel free to contact our Highline Dental practice dental team to book your consultation. We look forward to helping you get a healthy mouth with very happy gums.

What to expect?

Our reputed periodontists will approach your dental care with a diagnostic and preventive approach and customize the treatment per individual needs. They will make your gums and teeth healthy again, restoring your beautiful smile.


1. what is done in a periodontal maintenance procedure?

The hygienist will remove tartar during periodontal care much like during routine cleaning. They’ll reach your gums and the spaces in between your teeth. Scaling and root planning refer to this. Also, they will assess your gum pockets.

2. what is the periodontal maintenance procedure cost?

When your periodontal issues have just been resolved, it is vital to schedule routine dental maintenance in every 3 or 4 months. The cost of these frequent visits will range from $150 and $300, depending on the state of your periodontal health.

3. which instruments are used primarily in periodontal procedures?

Excisional and incisional instruments, surgical curettes and sickles, periosteal elevators, surgical chisels, Hoes files, scissors, and nippers.

4. What is included in periodontal maintenance?

Scaling and root planing are also used, which means tartar must be eradicated from deep between the gums and the teeth. The hygienist will remove tartar accumulation between your teeth and gums along the whole length of each tooth, halting where the gum, root, and bone meet during a periodontal maintenance treatment.

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