5 Reasons Why You Should Get The Root Canal

Many studies report that mouth is the place where germs and bacteria multiply very quickly. They may sometimes affect the inner gums of the teeth called “pulp” and infect them severely. It may not be shown on the crown (upper part of teeth that we see) but it would damage the teeth further if not attended to immediately.

A root canal is a procedure that helps remove the infected pulp. Having a healthy pulp is very important since it has many connected nerves, blood vessels and tissues that help in making the tooth grow and be stronger.

There is a myth surrounding root canals that it is a very painful and unnecessary procedure. This myth makes many people ignore their tooth pain and avoid the dentist visit whereas the fact is that the root canal procedure is performed under local anesthesia and helps in resolving the pulp issue and saving the tooth and gums from decaying.
Reasons For Pulp Damage:
When the cavity infection is not treated that consequently damages the pulp.
An injured tooth that happens due to any accidents
A crack in the tooth or chipped tooth
Symptoms Of Infected Tooth
Some of the symptoms that help us in recognizing the possibility of a root canal are:

Swollen gums – the infected tooth causes pus formation that leads to the swelling of the gums.

Swollen jaw – The pus formation leads to swelling of the jaw.

Discolored tooth – The white-colored teeth turns into dark colored tooth due to the low blood supply to teeth caused by the infection.

Loosening of the tooth – If the tooth feels loosened it could be due to the infection.

Tooth sensitivity – The tooth becomes extremely sensitive and painful when it comes into contact with anything hot or cold.

When all or any of these symptoms appear, it is a clear sign for root canal treatment.

The Steps For A Root Canal Are:
The dentist suggests an x-ray to understand the depth of the infection. On knowing the details the procedure duration and precautions are noted.
Local anesthesia is injected into the gums to make the procedure painless.
The infected pulp is removed from the numb tooth and gums.
Antibiotics are given to the infected pulp area to avoid the repetition of infection.
Temporary sealing of the pulp area is done to avoid contact with saliva since it may damage the sensitive area.
5 Reasons Why It Is Important To Get The Root Canal Done:
The tooth could be dying – The outer part of the tooth looks hard and strong but on the contrary, the inner layer of the tooth is made of very soft pulp and the infected pulp kills the healthy tooth.

Ignoring the symptoms – when the above symptoms are ignored, the infection spreads to other teeth and next they spread to the entire body leading to heart problems or even stroke.

Pain relief does not mean self-repair – If there is pain relief without any diagnosis it does not mean the issue is resolved. On the contrary, it means the nerves of the pulp area have died due to extreme tolerance to pain. It leads to the spread of the infection more smoothly.

Root canals are a solution, not a problem – The root canal procedure relieves the pain and resolves the infection. The myth that it is painful is wrong. The procedure is pain-free and provides long-term relief from tooth issues.

Saves tooth – The infection spreads to nerves and tissues of the tooth making them weak and the tooth may die. It is important to save the natural tooth and maintain healthy oral hygiene. The root canal procedure plays a major part in maintaining oral hygiene.

The root canal is a very safe procedure and should be opted for without any hesitation. Normally the procedure takes 30 to 60 minutes when the infected area is small and about 90 minutes when the infection spread more. The root canal procedure is completed in two to three appointments.

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