Dental Veneers: Pros and Cons – Best Veneers Dentist NYC

Do you want to know what Dental veneers are, and how to determine the best veneer dentist in NYC? You might come across many celebrities who have perfect teeth. You might be wondering how they got the perfect smile or if only people with perfect teeth are becoming celebrities. The truth is that most people don’t have it perfect. It is a wonder of cosmetic dentistry with oral prosthetics that allow you to get the perfect teeth even though you do not have the perfect ones.

Dental veneers NYC is the not best solution for everyone who wants to fix their imperfect teeth. You can also have many options in cosmetic dentistry to fix the imperfections in your teeth with affordable options like dental bonding, or dental crowns. Do you want to know whether you are the right candidate for the veneers check with your best veneers dentist in NYC?

Who Is The Best Veneer Dentist in NYC?

You may find many dental professionals offering veneer treatment including general dentists, cosmetic dentists, and some orthodontists. Usually, endodontists, periodontists, and oral surgeons do not offer dental veneers. Here is the information about the dental professional with which you can choose who can effectively and safely administer veneers.

General dentists are more concerned about the patient’s oral health and appearance. Dental veneers contribute both oral health and cosmetic benefits. General dentists may recommend dental veneers for many oral health issues such as worn-down enamel, chips, and cracks in the teeth. They may also suggest dental veneers for cosmetic reasons such as stains on the teeth that cannot be improved with the whitening procedure or misshapen teeth or crooked teeth.

Cosmetic dentists are primarily focused on improving the patient’s smile. Even though they may have some oral health treatments they are more concerned with cosmetic benefits. Almost all cosmetic dentists offer dental veneer treatment. In Cosmetic dentistry where the dentist gets trained and experienced to help patients get through the entire dental veneer process safely. This makes it clear cosmetic dentists are the best veneers in NYC.

Orthodontists rarely attend to patients who require veneer treatment. They are mainly focused on orthodontic treatment like improving the malocclusion or misalignment of the teeth.

What are Dental Veneers NY?

Dental veneers are very thin layers of composite resin or highly durable ceramic resin that are placed on the tooth and permanently bonded to conceal imperfections. When your tooth gets damaged you have several options in cosmetic dentistry to repair it such as dental bonding, dental crowns, and dental veneers. Dental veneers can be used for teeth imperfections such as intrinsic stained, chipped, tooth gap, crooked, or damaged teeth. Dental veneers in New York improve your smile immediately once it gets fixed to the surface of the teeth.

Types of Veneers

Depending on the color and type of materials, there are three different types of veneers. It is mentioned as follows,

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are used when there is a small alteration required in the tooth size, shape, and color. Porcelain veneers are durable and look natural but expensive. 

Ceramic veneers

Ceramic also provides a natural tooth-like appearance and is durable. But you may experience tooth sensitivity after being fixed for a few days. This type of veneer is temporary.

Composite veneers

Composite resin veneers are affordable and can be easily prepared. But it is more likely to get stains or chipping. It has less durability compared to other types of veneers

Dental veneers provide patients with permanent solutions for imperfections in the teeth and enhance the smile appearance. When you have decided to get veneers to correct the imperfection on your teeth, you should consider knowing more about veneers. You can determine whether veneers are the best option for you by considering the pros and cons of getting them.

Pros and cons of Dental Veneer

Like any other procedure or treatment, you need to consider both pros and cons of dental veneers before you are getting the treatment. This helps you understand whether the treatment fits you and is able to provide desired results as per your expectation.


Provides Permanent White For Your Teeth

There are many reasons for your teeth to get stained entail including beverages, dark-colored red wine, citrus fruits, acidic foods, smoking, age factor, or certain medications. It is extremely difficult to get rid of such stains. Professional whitening treatment can remove the stains but over time they get stained again. Dental veneers provide a permanent solution for bright white teeth as it is highly resistant to stains.

There are stains that are caused due to dental trauma, tooth decay, or other infection in the teeth. Such stains cannot be removed with professional whitening treatment but can be treated and are either replaced with dental crowns or dental veneers to restore the appearance of the teeth.

Restore The Minor Imperfections To The Teeth

In fact, veneers can effectively fix minor imperfections on the teeth such as stains, cracks, crooked, and gaps between the teeth. When dental veneers are placed on the surface of the teeth it completely conceals the minor imperfections and makes your smile perfect.

Replaces your Damaged Enamel And Improves Your Smile

Tooth enamel is the strongest layer of the tooth. Even then the enamel wears out and gets damaged due to various reasons like intake of highly acidic foods, aging, over-brushing, frequent use of whitening kits, and many other factors. Damaged enamel of the teeth degrades your smile appearance. Once the enamel is worn out it is permanent damage to the teeth, Veneers are the only solution that allows for restoring teeth function, durability, and overall appearance.


Expensive Procedure

Dental veneers are quite expensive in cosmetic dentistry. The dental veneer cost varies widely with the number of teeth required to get restored. It is unfortunate that cosmetic dentistry procedures like veneers are not covered by insurance plans. Anyway, it is not best to consult with an insurance provider.

Increased Tooth Sensitivity

It is common for some patients who experience tooth sensitivity after getting veneers for a few days. However, this sensitivity reduces gradually over time. If this sensitivity exists for a longer time, it is best to consult your dentist.

Permanent irreversible procedure

In order to fit the veneers into the teeth properly, your dentist makes slight changes in the structure of the teeth. This makes it permanent and it cannot be reversed back once the complete enamel is restructured. Even though it is important to note, veneers are highly durable and can last for about 10 years or even longer.


It is crucial to understand the pros and cons of dental veneers that help you choose whether dental veneers are the right option for you. Cosmetic dentists or best veneers dentists NYC help you get the durable, highly effective, and appealing solution to restore your smile.

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