When You Need Emergency Dental Services NYC?

Situations That Need Emergency Dental Services 

Dental emergencies occur due to accidents or injuries. It is important to know which comes under standard dental services and which comes under emergency. The emergency dental services in NYC are very much affordable and the dentists are very dedicated to providing effective treatments to give relief from pain and trauma under such situations. Some of the signs that indicate urgent attention are severe pain, discomfort and swelling. Here are some of the situations that come under emergency dental services:

Sudden Sharp Toothache – Mild toothache is common during the initial tooth infection stage but if there is a sharp and sudden pain in the tooth that is unbearable then it should not be neglected. Here are a few remedies that can be tried until you reach the dentist:

Use painkillers

Applying a cold compress may reduce the pain

Rinsing the mouth with salt water

Bleeding Gums That Are Swollen Too – It is not normal for the gums to bleed without any strong reasons. When the bleeding persists accompanied by severe pain, swelling and discomfort then it has to be checked immediately to know the underlying issue.

Swelling in Mouth or Jaw Area – The reasons for sudden swelling could be due to lymph node irritation or other factors. Addressing it immediately is a necessity.

Exposure of Nerves – Negligence of the exposed nerves causes further damage and affects the connecting tissues and nerves too.

Knocked Tooth – Though the tooth is very strong, sometimes a strong impact and knock out the tooth and if taken immediately for emergency dental services, since the dentist can reinsert the same tooth. The following steps are to be followed before the emergency dental visit:

Take the fallen tooth carefully and do not touch the roots of it since it may damage the roots.

Rinse it under running water but do not scrub the tooth

If possible, place the tooth onto the socket, if it is not possible then place the tooth in a container of water or milk.

Abscessed Tooth – An abscess in the tooth is a condition in which there is a pus formation in the tooth area due to the existence of an infection. The abscessed tooth can lead to swelling, fever, tooth sensitivity, continuous toothache, and bumpy formations near the infected area accompanied by lymph nodes in the neck area that feels very tender.

Missing Tooth Filling – The tooth is at risk of breaking or cracking or chipping out when the tooth filling is missing. The missing space can affect the tooth structure since the nerves of the tooth are exposed.

Fragmented Crown – The broken crown is an invitation to infections and other damages that can affect the tooth structure.

Emergency Vs Non-Emergency Dental Services

When there is tooth damage that has the potential to cause life-threatening damages then they come under emergency dental services. On the contrary, when a dental issue can wait for the next appointment and the treatment can be given during office hours then they come under non-emergency dental services.

Here’s the list of services that can be differentiated according to their urgency:

Emergency Services:

  • Pulp inflammation that causes severe toothache
  • The dry socket that is a part of post-op effects
  • Losing a tooth due to any dental trauma
  • Pain in third molar tooth

Non-Emergency Services:

  • Cosmetic procedures that are in the initial stage
  • Painless dental restorations services
  • Tooth extractions that do not involve any trauma
  • Routine dental procedures such as dental imaging and dental cleanings.

Treatments for Common Dental Emergencies 

The treatments given for dental emergencies depend on the type of damage and the situations involved in it.

When there is tooth damage due to infections, or cracked or chipped teeth and requires repair, the treatments may involve antibiotics treatment, dental fillings, extractions and root canal treatment.

When there are dental issues such as a broken tooth, loosened tooth or tooth that has come off completely then the dentist would opt for treatments such as antibiotic treatment, root canal treatment, splinting, dental fillings or even reimplantation.

Even after qualitative measures are taken to protect our teeth from any accidents or injuries there are times when it is unavoidable and we tend to injure the teeth structure. Our emergency dental services in New York are well-equipped to deal with such emergencies and assure the best dental treatments that help you to restore the dental structure.



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