What Is Tooth Whitening?

Teeth’s whitening is one of the popular treatments in cosmetic dentistry that is used to whiten discolored teeth. It is a non-invasive and affordable treatment recommended for both men and women. The best teeth whitening dentist in NYC provides an effective solution and the changes can be seen quickly with teeth whitening.

Why Choose Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening have some amazing benefits that make them worth it all:

Enhanced Appearance – Stained tooth is a drawback where social interactions play a huge part in our lives. Teeth whitening enhance our appearance and also increase our confidence to interact. It also makes you look younger.

Long-Lasting Results – Whitening techniques increase the aesthetic appearance and are also long-lasting when it is done with professional whitening tools.

Customized – The whitening techniques can be customized according to individual needs. Some may need the whitening methods to be implemented only to enhance the appearance while many need additional treatments for teeth issues along with whitening. So this tailor-made dentistry technique is flexible enough to cater to individual needs.

Affordable – Since it’s a non-invasive technique and does not involve any surgical procedures too, they can be affordable by anyone. There is a myth that professional whitening is expensive but the fact is they are equally affordable as in-house techniques.

Convenient and Flexible – Many think that tooth whitening is a complex procedure and hesitates to approach dentists for it but the fact is that the whitening procedures just take a few hours of the day which allows you to get back to your routine life too.

Boosts Confidence – Many who have opted for whitening treatment have stated that it increases their self-confidence and self-esteem which is brought due to the smile that comes with teeth whitening techniques.

What Causes are Teeth Staining?

Teeth Thinning and Translucent – The teeth with opaque appearance and thickness have the advantage of appearing lighter in color and also brighter. The thinner and translucent teeth turn darker quickly and change the original color of the teeth.

Natural Color Changes – From the time we are born our teeth’ color changes to different shaded which are mostly yellowish-brown. They slowly change to greenish-grey sometimes.

Age – As we age, our teeth’ color keeps changing and the teeth darken due to many factors. In the early twenties, teeth whitening works very quickly. In the forties, the teeth’ color changes to yellowish or brownish which take more effort for whitening. In the fifties, the teeth accumulate more stains which are harder to remove with the stains.

Smoking – The nicotine content in cigarettes changes the color of the tooth. The nicotine slowly settles through the layers of the teeth and causes severe discoloration.

Colored Foods – Consumption of colored foods such as tea, coffee, red wine, oranges, soft drinks, deep-colored foods and also acidic foods such as vinegar and citrus fruits also contributes to the discoloring of the teeth.

Trauma – If due to any injury or accident, the mouth has been hit then the color of the teeth changes due to the injury reactions that happen in the deeper layers of the teeth.

Medications – The radiation therapies are given for cancer change the tooth color. The other medications that may discolor the teeth are antibiotics, antihistamines and antipsychotics.

Teeth Whitening Techniques 

The teeth whitening techniques are of two types:

  • At-Home techniques In-Office techniques 

According to the dentists in NYC, the best techniques that are helpful for teeth whitening are In-Office techniques.

Laser Whitening

A thorough check is done on the teeth first and after the professional clean-up, the tooth whitening treatment begins.

In this technique, the whitening gel is directly applied to the tooth and exposed to the laser light for 30-60 minutes. The results can be seen from the beginning of the treatment itself. It may take 6-7 sittings for this treatment to complete. In this process single tooth is focused for whitening.

Zoom Teeth Whitening 

This is the current popular technique used for teeth whitening and it can be performed on multiple teeth at a time. The whitening gel is applied on the teeth tray and placed on the teeth. The laser light beams are exposed to the teeth for just 15 minutes. The gums and lips are covered to avoid them from the laser heat. The whitening gel used in this technique is Zoom hydrogen peroxide gel.

Natural Ways to Keep Your Teeth White 

Teeth whitening is a great way to whiten your dull-looking teeth that also makes you confidently talk and smile be it an interview or a social gathering. Along with teeth whitening here are some of the tips for you that help to keep your teeth white naturally:

  • Brush teeth twice a day for approximately two minutes.
  • Use teeth-whitening toothpaste.
  • Clean thoroughly between the teeth.
  • Avoid colored food that may stain your teeth such as red wine, coffee or tea.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for dental checkups.

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