When Is a Root Canal Specialist Needed?

A root canal specialist is also known as an endodontist. There is no denying that a regular dentist can complete root canal treatment but the involvement of an endodontist who has specialized with in-depth knowledge of teeth anatomy along with the experience that is capable to handle any complicated issues that may arise during root canal therapy will give you a relieving experience of root canal treatment.

An endodontist is well-trained in endodontics and will have well-equipped in-office facilities. These are the primary factors that are necessary to perform a successful root canal treatment.

Different Types of Root Canal Therapies

Though root canal therapies are not as scary and painful as it sounds many are reluctant to undergo root canal treatment but also want to resolve the issue with alternate methods. The world of dentistry with its technological advancement has come up with some therapies that you can choose from. The decision of using the alternate therapies will be made based on your present tooth, jawbone and connecting roots condition.

Root Canal Therapies

Apicoectomy – When the infection and inflammation remain in the teeth and alveolar bone (the bone that surrounds the teeth) it leads to unbearable pain. Treating the tooth root will bring down the inflammation and infection gradually.

In an apicoectomy, the dentist would induce local anesthesia and by making the tooth area numb would remove the tip of the tooth root and fill it with protective material. This material helps in healing the root infection and in a few months, it completely heals the root making your tooth healthy again.

Pulpotomy – In this therapy, the damaged root pulp is removed but the nerves and the root canals will not be removed. On removal of damaged pulp, the materials such as formocresol and calcium hydroxide are filled inside the tooth to prevent the entry of harmful bacteria. This can be done only in the absence of tooth decay and very minimal damage occurred due to root canal infection. If the infection has reached the pulp then tooth extraction is a must.

Pulp Capping – The pulp infection is resolved through pulp capping in the younger generation. In the pulp capping procedure, the materials such as mineral trioxide and calcium hydroxide are used for coating the pulp. This coating helps in the process of nerve and tissue repair in the pulp area. It also acts as a protective cover to the pulp from bacterial attack.

Non-Surgical Treatment – In this method, damaged nerve tissues are removed to avoid further damage to the root canal. When tooth filling cannot save the tooth from damage, this non-surgical procedure is performed.

Does Tooth Decay Lead to Root Canal Infection? 

The very first symptom of a root canal infection is tooth pain and gums pain. On neglecting these early problems there are chances of facing severe infection in the tooth roots leading to root canal treatment. Handling root canal issue within required timely medical attention is important.

Stages of Tooth Decay

First Stage – In this, you can see white spots on your teeth that are affected by the bacteria. The demineralization of the enamel layer of the tooth happens due to bacterial attack that lies in the enamel.

Second Stage – In this stage, the bacteria spreads further and forms a hole in the affected teeth making the bacteria spread out of the enamel layer.

Third Stage – The extreme demineralization that happens due to bacterial attack breaks down the enamel and reaches the next layer of the tooth named dentin. The layers of teeth continue to get damaged. Though the bacteria do not reach the pulp in this stage, the pain will still exist.

Fourth Stage – In this stage, the bacteria reaches the pulp of the tooth affecting the bone and the connecting nerves of the tooth root. Tooth extraction or root canal treatment is the solution for this.

Fifth Stage – When the infection spreads to other teeth also, It enters the connective tissues and jawbone damaging the entire jawline which gives very less space or no space for recovery.

How to Identify the Right Specialist for Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal specialists will have updated knowledge about every procedure and innovation made in the field of the root canal. To identify the right specialist in root canal treatments looks for the following qualities:

  • Updated technologies and innovations
  • Years of experience earned in root canal treatment
  • Proven skills and completed specialization and training
  • Committed to resolving patient’s issues
  • Having a dignified personality and is also humble

How Long to Recover from a Root Canal Treatment?

The initial days after root canal treatment causes little pain and discomfort. The painkiller medicines prescribed by the dentist will reduce the discomfort and pain in approximately 3-4 days.

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