Factors Affecting the Success of NYC Dental Implant Dentistry

What Is the Success Rate of Dental Implants?

The success rate of NYC dental implants, which is one of the popular treatments of cosmetic dentistry, is 95%-98%. Their success rates are very high since they are durable and long-lasting making them the best option for the ones looking for a permanent solution.

Why Is Dental Implant the Best Tooth Replacement Option?

Dental implants are one of the best options to have healthy and natural teeth. Implants allow you to live a happy life that lets you enjoy all your daily activities such as talking, eating, smiling and laughing that would not be possible with a damaged or missing tooth.

The implants behave just like natural teeth since their functionality and characteristics are just like that of the natural tooth.

The implants are more special since the other teeth restorations are not as effective as the implants since they prevent loss of bone and also stimulate bone growth.

Why Choose a Dental Implant Specialist?

The dental implant procedure can be performed by a general dentist too but having a specialization in implants is very important since the procedure contains complicated steps that require updated knowledge about how implants work and also complete dentistry knowledge.

Dental implant specialists are also known as oral and maxillofacial surgeons. They receive additional and extensive training in dental implants after the completion of studies in dental college. The safety and effectiveness of the surgery will be at the highest level since their expertise and skills are also at the highest levels in the dental implant procedure.

Some of the important reasons why you should choose an oral surgeon are:

Risk of Complications Is Less – The skill and expertise that is carried by the specialist ensure the patients that the chances of having complications will be very minimal. The dental implant procedure’s success depends on having a good specialist to perform it since your future dental health and overall lifestyle make it more important to choose a specialist.

Enhanced Aesthetics – Along with having the right knowledge and experience required for the implant procedure, the surgeons are also well-equipped with the right skills and right tools that are updated to protect the well-being of both teeth and gums.

Good Management for Gum Diseases – The implant procedure is not something that is over once the implants are placed. It is the lifetime responsibility of the dentist and the patient to provide the required attention to it with regular follow-ups.

Gum diseases may occur to anyone and if it occurs after the implants are placed then they need to be treated with utmost care and diligence so having an expert hand of oral surgeons and periodontists plays a very important part in treating gum infections.

Factors Affecting the Success of Dental Implants  

Dental implants are one of the best tooth restoration techniques, the success of the procedure also depends on various factors that make or break the efforts put into the treatment. Some of the factors are:

Bones – Having a solid jawbone is very important since the implants cannot be placed on a weakened bone structure. The bone health is decided by a few tests and if the bone is weak then the surgeon would suggest a bone grafting procedure to make the bone strong enough to hold the implants since they will be permanently placed on the jawbone.

Smoking – It is important to avoid smoking for at least 6-8 months after the implant procedure since it hinders the healing process and may also cause infections leading to complications.

Required Healing Time – It is important to give enough time for the healing of the implants before placing the permanent crown. When the healing process is quickened and hurried then there may not be the strong required foundation for the implants which can lead to teeth issues.

Good Oral Hygiene – Maintaining good oral health with regular flossing, rinsing and brushing is very important to avoid the risk of infections that may affect the implants.

Recommended Diet – Following the recommended diet given by your oral surgeon is very important. The surgeon would mostly recommend soft foods for a few weeks and months post-surgery which is very important for the healing process.

Skilled and Experienced Dentist – When the surgeon performing the implant procedure is experienced and skilled with a well-equipped dental implant center then the procedure will be successful.

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