Stages Involved in Porcelain Veneers Treatment in NYC

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Discolored teeth, small teeth or chipped teeth are some of the reasons that would stop the person from smiling confidently.

Being one of the most noticeable physical features, a smile can get affected due to teeth issues. Small teeth or gaps in the teeth can create an uneven appearance of the teeth arrangement.

Dental aesthetics, with its innovative and technologically advanced techniques, resolve the above teeth issues by providing Teeth Veneers also known as Porcelain Veneers.

Also known as a dental veneer, it is a tooth-colored shell that is thin and looks just like a natural tooth that is placed to cover a damaged tooth. It is a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure. The porcelain veneers improve the color of the tooth and act as a natural tooth that hides any damage caused to the tooth.

The material used for veneers are durable and made from ceramic materials that help in replacing your natural smile with a standardized solution that is affordable and also restores the lost confidence to smile.

Who Are the Candidates for Porcelain Veneers?

The veneer type used and the number of porcelain veneers made varies from person to person. There can be many tooth issues that need tooth veneers. The suitable candidates for porcelain veneers are:

Discolored or Yellow Teeth – If the teeth are discolored due to genetic issues then teeth whitening treatments do not yield any results. Teeth veneers can be used to cover such permanently discolored teeth. If the yellow color on the teeth is not erased due to teeth whitening treatments then it can be concealed with porcelain veneers.

Gummy Smile and Short Teeth – Gummy smile refers to the condition in which the gum tissues are revealed too much making the person hesitant to smile. When the teeth size is smaller, the gums are highlighted making it look erupted. Porcelain veneers resize the tooth’s appearance and also help in reshaping the gumline making it a successful smile treatment.

Broken, Chipped or Misshaped Teeth – If the teeth are chipped out, broken or misshaped due to any injuries and accidents and if the damage done is minimal to moderate then veneers are the best non-surgical option that is long-lasting and also pleasing to look at.

Misaligned Teeth – If the person is facing teeth issues such as gapped teeth, crowded teeth or crooked teeth, it can be very uncomfortable in terms of appearance and also causes biting issues. Porcelain veneers are a visibly easy option for these issues instead of spending months and years on surgical methods to realign the teeth.

Stages Involved in Porcelain Veneers

Communication plays a very important role in any medical procedure since it will be easy to know the issues faced and the treatment procedure. Detailing the procedure makes the patient confident enough to go through different stages of the treatment. Porcelain veneers have 3 stage treatment plans.

Stage 1 – Consultation

On the first appointment, the dentist knows the complete details of the symptoms and possibilities of the dental issues faced by the recipient. A brief medical history is also taken into consideration as a part of the consultation process.

On taking basic details, the dental practitioner examines the teeth physically and also through various imaging techniques such as X-rays, taking teeth impressions and also making a teeth model show the final results of the veneers procedure.

A detailed examination for any tooth infections or gum diseases is also made to make the treatment plan. Any adjustments to be made are discussed during this stage to assure the patient that veneers are the right choice for the discussed dental issues.

Stage 2 – Tooth Preparation

In this stage, the patient is invited to the clinic to take scrapes of the teeth enamel that is needed to make veneers. The scraped enamel is sent to the laboratory along with the teeth impressions to make the exact tooth structure suitable for the patient. The enamel scraping process can cause a little discomfort but not to worry it is not an invasive procedure. The laboratories take 1-2 weeks to make the porcelain shells so during this duration temporary veneers are placed to protect the natural teeth from further damage.

Stage 3 – Placement of Veneers

This includes of final appointment with the dentist to place the new veneers that are customized according to the recipient’s tooth details. The temporary veneer is removed and the permanent one is placed on the damaged tooth with the help of bonding cement. The excess cement is removed with dental tools and if there are any changes or adjustments to be made then it is completed in the clinic itself.

Porcelain Veneers Results

The initial few days might be a little discomforting since it takes time to adjust to the new veneers which also changes the chewing patterns. Sometimes gum issues may also surface due to the new restorations and consulting the dental specialist will be helpful to handle the minor discomforts.

Post-procedure care is very simple for porcelain veneers. Regular brushing, flossing and regular follow-ups for dental cleaning are sufficient for the veneers to sustain.

The aesthetics and technology involved in the porcelain veneers will give newfound confidence to smile and talk without having any hesitation to show up with the new dental restorations. Porcelain veneers are a standardized technique involved in smile transformations by the best dentists in New York.


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