Post-Op Care by NYC Implant Dentistry

What Happens in Implant Procedure?

The tooth root also gets damaged at times when the tooth is damaged due to infections. The damaged root can spread its infection and spoil other teeth and roots too. To avoid further damage, the infected root pulp is removed and it is replaced with metal screw posts that are made from medically approved materials that act as natural bone support to the teeth structure to avoid further degeneration of the bones and also support the crown tooth placement.

How to Prepare for the Implant Surgery?

A complete dental examination is performed by a dental team that consists of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, prosthodontist, ENT specialist and also a periodontist. The dental examination is involved taking detailed images of teeth structure with imaging technologies that show the current scenario of the teeth structure.

Upon deciding to go ahead with the implant procedure, your medical history will be taken into consideration to know the precautions to be taken for the procedure. The dental team comes up with a treatment plan that is customized according to the requirement and also by considering the number of implants needed and also by checking the condition of teeth structure and the jaw bone’s strength.

What to Expect During the Implant Process?

The dental implant procedure is performed in stages and involves an extensive healing period too between the procedures which helps make the treatment successful. On checking for various symptoms such as tooth decay, periodontitis, sunken face or even a cracked, broken or missing tooth, the dental implants procedure will be decided upon. With sedation of local anesthesia, the implant procedure begins with the opening of the gumline until the affected bone is visible. The affected bone and its pulp are removed. The space is filled with dental implant placement and if the jaw bone is not efficient enough to hold new implants then a bone grafting procedure is conducted. The dental implants are placed and they are left to heal and fuse with the bone to make a strong foundation for tooth replacement. The abutment is placed after the healing process since the abutment holds the artificial tooth. Then the artificial tooth is placed and it can be fixed or removable.

Post-Op Immediate Care

The following effects can be seen post-surgery:


There can be slight bleeding immediately post-surgery. It may continue for a few hours and it would reduce in 2-3 days gradually. To stop the bleeding, place the damp gauze in the surgical area for 30-60 minutes. Since the sutures are put in, it needs a few days to heal.


Due to the surgical procedure swelling can also be expected. Swelling won’t show up immediately post-surgery. It gets more prominent after 2 days of the surgery and takes at least 7-10 days to decrease. Applying ice packs often on the cheek area will help in reducing the swelling.


The surgical procedure is accompanied by a certain level of pain and discomfort and by taking the recommended dose of medications and painkillers the pain can be subsided.

What to Eat After the Surgery?

The numbness will continue to stay for a few hours so it is important to avoid hot and cold foods. Foods such as pudding, applesauce and jelly can be consumed. It is important to stick to soft foods for a few days post-surgery to assist in a smooth healing process.

Some of the soft foods you can consume once the numbness is completely erased are pasta, eggs, pancakes and mashed potatoes.

Post-Op Care Instructions 

Brushing and flossing are allowed after surgery but have to be very careful in the surgical area and importantly avoid the usage of mouthwashes. The usage of a specialized interdental brush will be helpful since it can reach the nook and corners of the teeth, gums and even the metal posts attached and avoid any bacterial formations that may lead to the failure of the implants.

Along with strict oral hygiene at home, it is important to have professional dental cleanings also once a few months to check the implants functioning to maintain their longevity.

Chewing hard foods is strictly avoided and if you have teeth-grinding issues, the dentist would recommend the usage of dental mouthguards to avoid any damage to the implants and crown.

Caffeine and tobacco products are to be strictly avoided since they may heavily stain the crown and natural teeth.

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