Dental implants are long-lasting since they fit with individual implants and do not damage any other teeth in this process. With technological advancement, the implants technology is also upgraded which is just as capable as the traditional methods.

Let us know the types of dental implants dentistry in NYC:

Single Tooth Implant – This is useful for people who have lost only one tooth. The other methods of tooth replacement involve the reduction of the neighbouring teeth too. But dental implants do not involve any procedures with the neighbouring teeth.

Multiple Teeth Replacement – People having multiple missing or damaged teeth can opt for multiple implants. The teeth restorations are put on firmly placed implants that do not affect the natural teeth around them.

Full-Arch Replacement – These are full teeth implants that are firmly placed with screws on the jawbone that makes sure the prosthesis does not move away from its place like dentures. This is very helpful for eating, chewing and speaking.

Implant-Supported Dentures – These dentures get additional support from the implants 2-6 implants can be fixed on each arch depending on the needs. They are removable and also easy to clean.

All-On-4 M-Implants – All-in-4 implants include placing 4 implant screws to attach the implants to the jawbone. When people cannot place the restoration tooth on the jawbone directly due to the lack of bone density, then implants are placed with the screws first.

Mini Dental Implants – The usual size of the dental implants used are of the size 3mm. Mini implants are less than 3mm. The mini implants are used when the regular-sized implants are too big to fit in the front small incisors. When there is less surface area for the jawbone to bond then mini implants are the best choice.

Immediate/Same Day Implants – Usually, the implants and crown restoration are done after a gap of a few months since some healing time is needed for the jawbone to fuse with the implants. In immediate implants, the implants and the crown are placed on the same day. The surgical procedure is done with advanced technology and a temporary tooth is placed on the implants until the healing procedure is over so that the jawbone does not get additional pressure due to the weight of the permanent tooth.

Post-Op Care for Dental Implants

Immediate Care: 

Avoid spitting for the day.

Do not smoke since it may increase the chances of having an infection.

Do not touch the surgical area from the tongue or fingers.

Do not use the straw for drinking; Drinking from a cup directly will be helpful for the implants. Straw may poke the operated area and dislodge the blood clot.

Bleeding: There will be very minimal bleeding post-surgery and it will stop bleeding in an hour or two. Keeping the gauze in the surgical area for 30-45 minutes can be very helpful. But make sure the pressure applied for biting the gauze should be very minimum.

Swelling: Most of the patients suffer minimum to severe swelling that for 2-3 days differs from person to person. Sometimes the swelling may take a few days more to reduce and eventually goes away. There can be quite a few bruises on the face and it completely heals in a few days. Use cold packs with a time gap to feel relief from pain.

Diet: It is very important to consume only soft food for a few initial days post-surgery. Foods such as mashed potatoes, pasta, cottage cheese or soups can be consumed. Once you are comfortable with the implants can slowly start with other food too that does not put any pressure on the implants for chewing.

Sutures: The sutures of the surgery will heal themselves since they are dissolvable. They dissolve between 4-10 days post-surgery.

Oral Hygiene: Only flossing and rinsing with an antibacterial solution suggested by the dentist should be used. Use a specially designed toothbrush once you start brushing since it will be easy to avoid plaque and bacterial formation in the nook and corners of the implants.

Materials Used to Make Implants

The implants are made by using metals such as titanium and zirconia. These are medically approved metals that do not have any reactions with skin or bone in the dental area.

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