Why Choose Dental Implants?

Dental implants being a progressive treatment plan to restore the teeth and also correct the jawbone issues, it may also have a small share of fear of what to expect from dental implant specialists in NYC. Read on to be relieved that a dental implant procedure is the best option for you.

A missing tooth can happen due to reasons such as accidents and injuries. The other reason is the periodontal issue (gum disease).

Gum diseases are caused by plaque formation on the teeth. The body has a defense mechanism that acts against plaque formation but during its defense, it releases substances that may cause inflammation. The gum infection can show up in the form of gum bleeding and even in the form of swelling. The infection spreads to the tooth roots affecting the strong foundation of the tooth and eventually leading to the falling of the tooth from its socket. The role of genetics too is crucial in missing tooth issues. The missing tooth issues lead to chewing issues and improper chewing leads to bad nutrition to the body and affects overall health too. The missing tooth can also make space for more bacterial attacks in the empty gum space.

With so many issues that may haunt the teeth’ structure and overall well-being, it is important to choose an option that is helping the overall structure of the teeth.

Dental implants are the best option when you do want to opt for other options such as dentures or bridges. Dental implants provide strong support to the jawbone that may have started to deteriorate due to missing teeth issues. A stronger foundation not only protects the teeth’ structure but also protects the chewing ability, overall health and also self-confidence that comes with a beautiful smile.

What Specialist Is Needed for Dental Implants?

Since dental implants are an invasive procedure and require a lot of expertise to handle the complications that may arise during the treatment procedures, a restorative surgeon and oral surgeon perform the dental implant process.

What to Expect with Dental Implant Procedure?

The dental implant procedure takes a good amount of time from the start to end process to give you the perfect smile that is healthy also. Each procedure has its importance and every step leads to a successful implant. Let us a brief look at what to expect with dental implant procedures:

Visual Examination – The first step is, the oral surgeon would do a visual examination to know the actual condition of the oral health. The highly trained eyes can easily know if the patient is eligible to have an implant.

Imaging Techniques – Detailed X-ray and CT scans are taken to understand the complete teeth structure since the implants are to be placed on the jawbone. If the reports show that the jawbone is not strong enough then a bone grafting procedure may be recommended to provide stronger support for the implants.

Treatment Options – A detailed discussion is done between the patient and the oral surgeon to know the eligibility for the implants and also if any periodontal procedures are required before the implant’s treatment.

Treatment Plan – A complete treatment plan is discussed with the patient regarding various factors such as estimated time required for the entire treatment, number of appointments required, financial information, sedation options and recovery period.

Advantages of Dental Implants 

Replicates Natural Teeth – A wide range of teeth options that comes in different sizes and shapes to individual needs are available in the implants procedure. It looks so natural that except the patient and surgeon no one can make out it’s replicated.

Avoids Changing the Look of the Face – The missing teeth may lead to bone disintegration that slowly affects the jaw bone also and changes the look of the face itself. Dental implant procedures restore the facial appearance.

Enhanced Ability to Chew and Eat – Since the missing tooth factor is resolved in dental implants the fully functioning mouth allows the patient to eat and chew well and enjoy different kinds of food just like it can be done with natural teeth.

Long-Lasting – They are durable and long-lasting since they are made with standardized and medically approved materials.

Improved Speech Ability – Tooth loss issues can affect the pronunciation of words and affect fluent speech. The implant process resolves speech issues and helps in speaking naturally and easily.

Provides Support to Adjacent Teeth – The loss of the tooth can misalign the adjacent teeth making it a crooked arrangement. The implant procedure aligns the teeth and maintains a straight smile.

Permanent Solution – Most teeth restoration procedures require frequent repair or replacement but implants placed are permanent and only require good care and maintenance to last longer.

Common FAQs of Dental Implant 

What Is the Recovery Time for Dental Implants?

The recovery time for dental implants is anywhere between 3-6 months. Due to more healing time involved the procedure takes a longer duration.

Is Dental Implant Suitable for Everyone?

No, dental implants may not be suitable for everyone. People with the following conditions may not be suitable for dental implants:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Weakened jawbone
  • Teeth grinding
  • Clenching issues
  • Excessive smoking

Is the Implant Surgery Painful?

The implant procedure is performed with the help of sedation so the procedure is painless. There can be slight discomfort for the first few days post-surgery and they are reduced by the medications suggested by the oral surgeon.

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